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Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit, qui in ea voluptate velit esse, quam nihil molestiae.

Our Blog

Vestibulum mattis consectetur ligula, id suscipit quam dapibus vel. Maecenas molestie, enim sit amet suscipit imperdiet, justo diam semper leo.

State Constitution

In these uncertain times, Minnesotans are looking for fairness, stability, basic justice and common sense from the courts.  With all the heated rhetoric about the United States Supreme Court, we can take comfort as Minnesotans that our state founders adopted an...

Access to Justice

Making sure Minnesotans have access to justice has been a passion for me since my earliest days as a lawyer. I represented for free victims of domestic abuse, a family with a disabled son seeking assistance, individuals fleeing torture and seeking asylum in the United...

Protecting the Rights of Minnesotans

One of the fundamental jobs of a judge is to protect the individual rights of Minnesotans and to make sure that the powerful are held accountable to the law. The government must follow the law just like you and me. As a lawyer, I founded the group Access for...

MSBA Poll Results

MSBA Poll Results

First, we're pleased to announce that Minnesota lawyers have spoken, and more than 90% prefer Justice Paul Thissen over his opponent for the Minnesota Supreme Court! According to a recent survey by the Minnesota State Bar Association of its members – many of whom...


1235 Divi Theme St.
San Francisco, CA 92335


(333) 394-2342


M – F : 8am–5pm

Sat : 11am–6pm

Sun : Closed